The 2021 Bling Prairie garden features the tall big bluestem Andropogon 'Blackhawks', rattlesnake master Eryngium 'Prairie Moon', golden Dahlia 'Mystic Spirit', Pardancanda norrisii, and Calamintha 'Montrose White'.

"Whenever I see this picture, I think of the outstretched fingertips in Michelangelo's painting The Creation of Adam. In it, God is extending life to Adam through his fingertip. Likewise, I like to think that the earth was extending to me, through this sapling, an invitation to a life in the garden.” Ken Nordlund

As a tribute to my husband, I have gathered, sorted, and winnowed the photos he has taken of his gardens over thirty three years since moving to Madison, Wisconsin, culminating with this book. While a few copies were printed for family, we wanted to share these images more widely. I’m grateful to our son Tom for preparing this website for you to enjoy. Simply scroll down, then click on each chapter photo to view the chapter. Click on the next chapter title to move on through the book or click on “33 Years of Gardening” to return to the home page. Click on each photo to enlarge it. Jean