The Supporting Seasons - Spring

Spring arrives as the daffodils, tulips, and miniature yellow Tulipa tarda burst through the soil with its cover of melting snow.

A pair of plump mourning doves settle down on the weeping crab, stationing themselves near the glorious multi-hued Helleborus orientalis that have emerged. The dense, tangled branches of the weeping crab remain damp and skeleton-like after the warmth of a few spring days.

The weeping crab in full springtime blossom provides an umbrella over the shiny licorice colored leaves of the ligularia, plum coral bells, tarragon, thyme, and golden moneywort. A cardinal knows it can always call this garden home.

The blue blossoms of shiny vinca hug the ground, as do the deep plum trillium buds. Pink and orange tulips and pink bleeding hearts color the landscape. A three foot tall sandhill crane struts in the community park just beyond the garden.

Fragrant apple blossoms spread over a terraced circular seating area that is enclosed by a shrub honeysuckle on the front and a yew hedge behind. A young Japanese maple grows above yellow and white daffodils.

Every spring, Ken plants canna and dahlia bulbs and covers each garden with a layer of screened compost. White blossoms emerge on the miniature weeping crab in the foreground, hosta unfurling beneath it.

Opposite: The white leaves of the Fallopia japonica 'Variegata' contrast with the purple Siberian iris and orange geum. A Holstein cow monitors the vegetable garden, bluish purple Clematis durandii camouflages the garden fence while Russian sage, Lavender 'Munstead' and 'Hidcote', and Geranium 'Rozanne' all strengthen blue notes. White peonies and the red honeysuckle vine Lonicera 'Major Wheeler' accent the greens.

The stump of a diseased Callery pear shows in the photo below and it’s removal created a sunnier space for tulips, Lenten rose, spiderwort, and peonies to bloom. Opposite: New candles sprout on the dwarf evergreen Picea abies pendula, and young cones emerge, mimicking the color of the Japanese maple.


2 / The Supporting Seasons - Winter


4 / Prime Time - Summer!