Chichimeca Paradise

The Chichimecha Paradise garden began in 1990 with an apple tree, a Norway spruce, and a few Bridal Wreath spirea. In 1992, the plan above was executed and included a clump of three paper birch trees, Miscanthus grasses, Russian sage, Siberian iris, salvia, and a Japanese garden juniper in the front.

Above you see how the initial garden was enlarged according to the drawing. Son Steve mows around the newly planted garden where tags identify each seedling. The Bridal Wreath spirea was glorious in the spring. In fall the white feathery plumes of the Miscanthus sinensis 'Sarabande' and 'Graziella' were spectacular in the fall.

In 2020, frustration with pillaging rabbits stimulated Ken to construct a rabbit-proof enclosure to grow vegetables in the middle of the ornamental garden. The timber frame with woven wire was painted black and obscured by perennials and Clematis 'Huldine' on the fence.

A white trellis for growing tomatoes was built at the back of the vegetable garden. The space behind the trellis became a 25 ft long compost pile. This fertile compost was the ideal place for our son Tommy to plant and grow his giant pumpkins. The white Hydrangea 'Pinky Winky' and the chartreuse sedge Carex 'Bowles Golden' help to obscure the fence and vegetable garden from this side of the Chichimeca Paradise garden.

June is prime time for the lettuces and Jean sometimes gets behind the growth. Ken grows a variety of peppers including hot red Flaming Flares and mild Shishitos, and granddaughter Maya was here one day to dig some carrots.

Arranged on the tabletop is a colorful sampling of the harvest of Potimarron and butternut squash grown in the compost. The wheelbarrow was overflowing with 60 of them, all washed and ready to be admired. Other bounty includes acorn squash and spicy dill.


9 / The Bling Prairie


11 / Departed Bunny